Q. How do I download device drivers?

Most of the device drivers are available at device drivers download page.

Q. How do I renew RD / Device Annual Subscription?

You can renew RD / Device Annual Subscription at www.getrd.in Please mail device name and serial no. to jfox@foxbase.in

Q. Why my single finger / iris scanner is not working?

Kindly check if scanner is connected Driver is latest [refer to download section] RD service is active or expired

Q. Why my FOXSate GPS device is working in Mini GPS tool but not working in Aadhaar application?

You have already tested the GPS device in Mini GPS tool and have achieved a GPS signal fix (you are getting a ‘2D SPS’ or ‘3D SPS’ value in Fix Type). Close the Mini GPS tool and go to the GPS page in Aadhaar application. Click on ‘Start’ button and keep your eye on the… Continue reading Q. Why my FOXSate GPS device is working in Mini GPS tool but not working in Aadhaar application?

Q. Why my FOXSate GPS device is not working?

Connect the GPS device and open Device Manager to check whether it is showing in Device Manager or not. It should show under “Ports (COM & LPT)”. Depending on the chipset, it will show as Silicon Labs or CH9102 etc. If the device is showing with a yellow exclamation mark, then the driver for the… Continue reading Q. Why my FOXSate GPS device is not working?

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